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Text 19

eteṣāṁ putra-pautrāś ca
babhūvuḥ koṭiśo nṛpa
mātaraḥ kṛṣṇa-jātīnāṁ
sahasrāṇi ca ṣoḍaśa

eteṣām — of these; putra — sons; pautrāḥ — and grandsons; ca — and; babhūvuḥ — were born; koṭiśaḥ — by the tens of millions; nṛpa — O King; mātaraḥ — the mothers; kṛṣṇa-jātīnām — of the descendants of Lord Kṛṣṇa; sahasrāṇi — thousands; ca — and; ṣoḍaśa — sixteen.

My dear King, the sons and grandsons of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s children numbered in the tens of millions. Sixteen thousand mothers gave rise to this dynasty.

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