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Text 18

viprau vivadamānau mām
ūcatuḥ svārtha-sādhakau
bhavān dātāpaharteti
tac chrutvā me ’bhavad bhramaḥ

viprau — the two brāhmaṇas; vivadamānau — arguing; mām — to me; ūcatuḥ — said; sva — their own; artha — interest; sādhakau — fulfilling; bhavān — you, sir; dātā — giver; apahartā — taker; iti — thus; tat — this; śrutvā — hearing; me — my; abhavat — there arose; bhramaḥ — consternation.

As the two brāhmaṇas argued, each trying to fulfill his own purpose, they came to me. One of them said, “You gave me this cow,” and the other said, “But you stole her from me.” Hearing this, I was bewildered.

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