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Text 5

bhagavān viśva-bhāvanaḥ
vīkṣyojjahāra vāmena
taṁ kareṇa sa līlayā

tatra — there; āgatya — going; aravinda-akṣaḥ — lotus-eyed; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; viśva — of the universe; bhāvanaḥ — the maintainer; vīkṣya — seeing; ujjahāra — picked up; vāmena — left; tam — it; kareṇa — with His hand; saḥ — He; līlayā — easily.

The lotus-eyed Supreme Lord, maintainer of the universe, went to the well and saw the lizard. Then with His left hand He easily lifted it out.

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