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Text 18

śrī-bhagavān uvāca
adya prabhṛti vo bhūpā
mayy ātmany akhileśvare
su-dṛḍhā jāyate bhaktir
bāḍham āśaṁsitaṁ tathā

śrī-bhagavān uvāca — the Supreme Lord said; adya prabhṛti — beginning from now; vaḥ — your; bhū-pāḥ — O kings; mayi — for Me; ātmani — the Self; akhila — of all; īśvare — the controller; su — very; dṛḍhā — firm; jāyate — will arise; bhaktiḥ — devotion; bāḍham — assuredly; āśaṁsitam — what is desired; tathā — so.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: From now on, my dear kings, you will have firm devotion to Me, the Supreme Self and the Lord of all that be. I assure you this will come to pass, just as you desire.

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