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Text 22

santanvantaḥ prajā-tantūn
sukhaṁ duḥkhaṁ bhavābhavau
prāptaṁ prāptaṁ ca sevanto
mac-cittā vicariṣyatha

santanvantaḥ — generating; prajā — of progeny; tantūn — lines; sukham — happiness; duḥkham — distress; bhava — birth; abhavau — and death; prāptam prāptam — as they are encountered; ca — and; sevantaḥ — accepting; mat-cittāḥ — with minds fixed on Me; vicariṣyatha — you should go about.

As you live your lives, begetting generations of progeny and encountering happiness and distress, birth and death, always keep your minds fixed on Me.

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