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Text 30

jagaduḥ prakṛtibhyas te
yathānvaśāsad bhagavāṁs
tathā cakrur atandritāḥ

jagaduḥ — told; prakṛtibhyaḥ — to their ministers and other associates; te — they (the kings); mahā-puruṣa — of the Supreme Person; ceṣṭitam — the activities; yathā — as; anvaśāsat — He instructed; bhagavān — the Lord; tathā — so; cakruḥ — they did; atandritāḥ — without becoming lax.

The kings told their ministers and other associates what the Personality of Godhead had done, and then they diligently carried out the orders He had imparted to them.

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