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Text 23

sa bhīma-duryodhanayor
gadābhyāṁ yudhyator mṛdhe
vārayiṣyan vinaśanaṁ
jagāma yadu-nandanaḥ

saḥ — He, Lord Balarāma; bhīma-duryodhanayoḥ — Bhīma and Duryodhana; gadābhyām — with clubs; yudhyatoḥ — who were fighting; mṛdhe — on the battlefield; vārayiṣyan — intending to stop; vinaśanam — to the battlefield; jagāma — went; yadu — of the Yadus; nandanaḥ — the beloved son (Lord Balarāma).

Wanting to stop the club fight then raging between Bhīma and Duryodhana on the battlefield, Lord Balarāma went to Kurukṣetra.

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