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Text 63

itīdṛśāny anekāni
vīryāṇīha pradarśayan
bubhuje viṣayān grāmyān
īje cāty-urjitair makhaiḥ

iti — thus; īdṛśāni — like this; anekāni — many; vīryāṇi — feats of valor; iha — in this world; pradarśayan — exhibiting; bubhuje — (Lord Kṛṣṇa) enjoyed; viṣayān — objects of sense pleasure; grāmyān — ordinary; īje — He performed worship; ca — and; ati — extremely; urjitaiḥ — potent; makhaiḥ — with Vedic fire sacrifices.

Lord Kṛṣṇa exhibited many other, similar heroic pastimes in this world. He apparently enjoyed the pleasures of ordinary human life, and He performed greatly potent fire sacrifices.

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