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Text 15
deva-dundubhayo nedur
gandharvāpsaraso jaguḥ
vavṛṣuḥ puṣpa-varṣāṇi
vibudhāḥ sādhu-vādinaḥ
deva — of the demigods; dundubhayaḥ — the kettledrums; neduḥ — resounded; gandharva-apsarasaḥ — the Gandharvas and Apsarās; jaguḥ — sang; vavṛṣuḥ — they showered down; puṣpa-varṣāṇi — rains of flowers; vibudhāḥ — the demigods; sādhu-vādinaḥ — speaking praise.
Kettledrums sounded in the regions of the demigods, and the celestial Gandharvas and Apsarās sang. The demigods showered flowers and spoke words of praise.
Although lamenting at first, all learned persons, including the demigods, soon realized that a great soul had gone back home, back to Godhead. This was certainly a cause for celebration.