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Text 45
putrān adhyāpayat tāṁs tu
brahmarṣīn brahma-kovidān
te tu dharmopadeṣṭāraḥ
sva-putrebhyaḥ samādiśan
putrān — to his sons; adhyāpayat — he taught; tān — those Vedas; tu — and; brahma-ṛṣīn — to the great sages among the brāhmaṇas; brahma — in the art of Vedic recitation; kovidān — who were very expert; te — they; tu — moreover; dharma — in religious rituals; upadeṣṭāraḥ — instructors; sva-putrebhyaḥ — to their own sons; samādiśan — imparted.
Brahmā taught these Vedas to his sons, who were great sages among the brāhmaṇas and experts in the art of Vedic recitation. They in turn took the role of ācāryas and imparted the Vedas to their own sons.