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Text 15

yeṣv amara-parivṛḍhāḥ saha sura-lalanā-lalāma-yūtha-pataya upadeva-gaṇair upagīyamāna-mahimānaḥ kila viharanti.

yeṣu — in which; amara-parivṛḍhāḥ — the best of the demigods; saha — with; sura-lalanā — of the wives of all the demigods and semidemigods; lalāma — of those women who are like ornaments; yūtha-patayaḥ — the husbands; upadeva-gaṇaiḥ — by the semi-demigods (the Gandharvas); upagīyamāna — being chanted; mahimānaḥ — whose glories; kila — indeed; viharanti — they enjoy sports.

The best of the demigods, along with their wives, who are like ornaments of heavenly beauty, meet together and enjoy within those gardens, while their glories are sung by lesser demigods known as Gandharvas.

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