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Text 14

yathā yuvāṁ tri-lokasya
varadau parameṣṭhinau
tathā ma uttamaśloka
santu satyā mahāśiṣaḥ

yathā — since; yuvām — both of you; tri-lokasya — of the three worlds; vara-dau — givers of benedictions; parame-ṣṭhinau — the supreme rulers; tathā — therefore; me — my; uttama-śloka — O Lord, who are praised with excellent verses; santu — may become; satyāḥ — fulfilled; mahā-āśiṣaḥ — great ambitions.

You are both the supreme rulers and benedictors of the three worlds. Therefore, my Lord, Uttamaśloka, may my ambitions be fulfilled by Your grace.

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