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Text 51

eṣā pañcajanasyāṅga
duhitā vai prajāpateḥ
asiknī nāma patnītve
prajeśa pratigṛhyatām

eṣā — this; pañcajanasya — of Pañcajana; aṅga — O My dear son; duhitā — the daughter; vai — indeed; prajāpateḥ — another prajāpati; asiknī nāma — of the name Asiknī; patnītve — as your wife; prajeśa — O prajāpati; pratigṛhyatām — let her be accepted.

O My dear son Dakṣa, Prajāpati Pañcajana has a daughter named Asiknī, whom I offer to you so that you may accept her as your wife.

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