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Text 25

dharmasya sūnṛtāyāṁ tu
bhagavān puruṣottamaḥ
satyasena iti khyāto
jātaḥ satyavrataiḥ saha

dharmasya — of the demigod in charge of religion; sūnṛtāyām — in the womb of his wife named Sūnṛtā; tu — indeed; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; puruṣa-uttamaḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; satyasenaḥ — Satyasena; iti — thus; khyātaḥ — celebrated; jātaḥ — took birth; satyavrataiḥ — the Satyavratas; saha — with.

In this manvantara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared from the womb of Sūnṛtā, who was the wife of Dharma, the demigod in charge of religion. The Lord was celebrated as Satyasena, and He appeared with other demigods, known as the Satyavratas.

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