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Text 7
vareṇa cchandayām āsa
prītaḥ satyavatī-sutaḥ
vavre hatānāṁ rāmo ’pi
jīvitaṁ cāsmṛtiṁ vadhe
vareṇa cchandayām āsa — asked to take a benediction as he liked; prītaḥ — being very pleased (with him); satyavatī-sutaḥ — Jamadagni, the son of Satyavatī; vavre — said; hatānām — of my dead mother and brothers; rāmaḥ — Paraśurāma; api — also; jīvitam — let them be alive; ca — also; asmṛtim — no remembrance; vadhe — of their having been killed by me.
Jamadagni, the son of Satyavatī, was very much pleased with Paraśurāma and asked him to take any benediction he liked. Lord Paraśurāma replied, “Let my mother and brothers live again and not remember having been killed by me. This is the benediction I ask.”