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Text 38

mūḍhe bhara dvājam imaṁ
bhara dvājaṁ bṛhaspate
yātau yad uktvā pitarau
bharadvājas tatas tv ayam

mūḍhe — O foolish woman; bhara — just maintain; dvājam — although born by an illicit connection between two; imam — this child; bhara — maintain; dvājam — although born by an illicit connection between two; bṛhaspate — O Bṛhaspati; yātau — left; yat — because; uktvā — having said; pitarau — both the father and mother; bharadvājaḥ — by the name Bharadvāja; tataḥ — thereafter; tu — indeed; ayam — this child.

Bṛhaspati said to Mamatā, “You foolish woman, although this child was born from the wife of one man through the semen discharged by another, you should maintain him.” Upon hearing this, Mamatā replied, “O Bṛhaspati, you maintain him!” After speaking in this way, Bṛhaspati and Mamatā both left. Thus the child was known as Bharadvāja.

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