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Text 13
yo ’sau gaṅgā-taṭe krīḍan
mañjūṣāntargataṁ śiśum
kuntyāpaviddhaṁ kānīnam
anapatyo ’karot sutam
yaḥ asau — one who (Adhiratha); gaṅgā-taṭe — on the bank of the Ganges; krīḍan — while playing; mañjūṣa-antaḥgatam — packed in a basket; śiśum — a baby was found; kuntyā apaviddham — this baby had been abandoned by Kuntī; kānīnam — because the baby was born during her maiden state, before her marriage; anapatyaḥ — this Adhiratha, being sonless; akarot — accepted the baby; sutam — as his son.
While playing on the bank of the Ganges, Adhiratha found a baby wrapped up in a basket. The baby had been left by Kuntī because he was born before she was married. Because Adhiratha had no sons, he raised this baby as his own. [This son was later known as Karṇa.]