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Text 37
ahaṁ bandhyāsapatnī ca
snuṣā me yujyate katham
janayiṣyasi yaṁ rājñi
tasyeyam upayujyate
aham — I am; bandhyā — sterile; asa-patnī — I have no co-wife; ca — also; snuṣā — daughter-in-law; me — my; yujyate — could be; katham — how; janayiṣyasi — you will give birth to; yam — which son; rājñi — O my dear Queen; tasya — for him; iyam — this girl; upayujyate — will be very suitable.
Śaibyā said, “I am sterile and have no co-wife. How can this girl be my daughter-in-law? Please tell me.” Jyāmagha replied, “My dear Queen, I shall see that you indeed have a son and that this girl will be your daughter-in-law.”