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Text 8

tasya hrade viharato bhuja-daṇḍa-ghūrṇa-
vār-ghoṣam aṅga vara-vāraṇa-vikramasya
āśrutya tat sva-sadanābhibhavaṁ nirīkṣya
cakṣuḥ-śravāḥ samasarat tad amṛṣyamāṇaḥ

tasya — of Him; hrade — in his lake; viharataḥ — who was playing; bhuja-daṇḍa — by His mighty arms; ghūrṇa — swirled about; vāḥ — of the water; ghoṣam — the resounding; aṅga — my dear King; vara-vāraṇa — like a great elephant; vikramasya — whose prowess; āśrutya — hearing; tat — that; sva-sadana — of his own residence; abhibhavam — the trespassing; nirīkṣya — taking note of; cakṣuḥ-śravāḥ — Kāliya; samasarat — came forward; tat — that; amṛṣyamāṇaḥ — being unable to tolerate.

Kṛṣṇa began sporting in Kāliya’s lake like a lordly elephant — swirling His mighty arms and making the water resound in various ways. When Kāliya heard these sounds, he understood that someone was trespassing in his lake. The serpent could not tolerate this and immediately came forward.

According to the ācāryas, Lord Kṛṣṇa was producing wonderful musical sounds within the water simply by splashing His hands and arms.

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