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Text 28

anyebhyaś cāśva-cāṇḍāla-
patitebhyo yathārhataḥ
yavasaṁ ca gavāṁ dattvā
giraye dīyatāṁ baliḥ

anyebhyaḥ — to the others; ca — also; ā-śva-cāṇḍāla — even down to the dogs and the dog-eaters; patitebhyaḥ — to such fallen persons; yathā — as; arhataḥ — is proper in each case; yavasam — grass; ca — and; gavām — to the cows; dattvā — having given; giraye — to the mountain called Govardhana; dīyatām — should be presented; baliḥ — respectful offerings.

After giving the appropriate food to everyone else, including such fallen souls as dogs and dog-eaters, you should give grass to the cows and then present your respectful offerings to Govardhana Hill.

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