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Text 7

kaccit tulasi kalyāṇi
saha tvāli-kulair bibhrad
dṛṣṭas te ’ti-priyo ’cyutaḥ

kaccit — whether; tulasi — O tulasī plant; kalyāṇi — O kind one; govinda — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; caraṇa — the feet; priye — you to whom are dear; saha — together with; tvā — you; ali — of bees; kulaiḥ — swarms; bibhrat — carrying; dṛṣṭaḥ — seen; te — by you; ati-priyaḥ — very dear; acyutaḥ — Lord Acyuta.

O most kind tulasī, to whom the feet of Govinda are so dear, have you seen that infallible one walk by, wearing you and encircled by swarms of bees?

The ācāryas explain here that the word caraṇa is a term of respect, as in the expression evaṁ vadanty ācārya-caraṇāḥ. The bees humming around the garland worn by Śrī Govinda were attracted by the fragrance of the tulasī mañjarīs offered to Him. The gopīs felt that the trees had not replied because they were male, but that tulasī, being female, would sympathize with their plight.

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