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Text 17

śrī-bhagavān uvāca
āyāsye bhavato geham
aham arya-samanvitaḥ
yadu-cakra-druhaṁ hatvā
vitariṣye suhṛt-priyam

śrī-bhagavān uvāca — the Supreme Lord said; āyāsye — will come; bhavataḥ — to your; geham — house; aham — I; ārya — by My elder (brother, Balarāma); samanvitaḥ — accompanied; yadu-cakra — of the circle of Yadus; druham — the enemy (Kaṁsa); hatvā — killing; vitariṣye — I will grant; suhṛt — to My well-wishers; priyam — satisfaction.

The Supreme Lord said: I will come to Your house with My elder brother, but first I must satisfy My friends and well-wishers by killing the enemy of the Yadu clan.

Akrūra glorified Kṛṣṇa in text 16 as yadūttama, “the best of the Yadus.” Śrī Kṛṣṇa here confirms this by saying, in effect, “Since I am the best of the Yadus, I must kill the enemy of the Yadus, Kaṁsa, and then I will come to your house.”

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