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Text 19

tau rejatū raṅga-gatau mahā-bhujau
yathā naṭāv uttama-veṣa-dhāriṇau
manaḥ kṣipantau prabhayā nirīkṣatām

tau — the two of Them; rejatuḥ — shone; raṅga-gatau — present in the arena; mahā-bhujau — the mighty-armed Lords; vicitra — variegated; veṣa — whose style of dress; ābharaṇa — ornaments; srak — garlands; ambarau — and garments; yathā — like; naṭau — two actors; uttama — excellent; veṣa — costumes; dhāriṇau — wearing; manaḥ — the minds; kṣipantau — striking; prabhayā — with Their effulgences; nirīkṣatām — of those who looked on.

Arrayed with variegated ornaments, garlands and garments, just like a pair of excellently costumed actors, the two mighty-armed Lords shone splendidly in the arena. Indeed, They overpowered the minds of all onlookers with Their effulgences.

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