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Texts 21-22

pibanta iva cakṣurbhyāṁ
lihanta iva jihvayā
jighranta iva nāsābhyāṁ
śliṣyanta iva bāhubhiḥ

ūcuḥ parasparaṁ te vai
yathā-dṛṣṭaṁ yathā-śrutam
prāgalbhya-smāritā iva

pibantaḥ — drinking; iva — as if; cakṣurbhyām — with their eyes; lihantaḥ — licking; iva — as if; jihvayā — with their tongues; jighrantaḥ — smelling; iva — as if; nāsābhyām — with their nostrils; sliṣyantaḥ — embracing; iva — as if; bāhubhiḥ — with their arms; ūcuḥ — they spoke; parasparam — among one another; te — they; vai — indeed; yathā — just as; dṛṣṭam — they had seen; yathā — just as; śrutam — they had heard; tat — Their; rūpa — of the beauty; guṇa — qualities; mādhurya — charm; prāgalbhya — and bravery; smāritāḥ — reminded; iva — as if.

The people seemed to be drinking Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma with their eyes, licking Them with their tongues, smelling Them with their nostrils and embracing Them with their arms. Reminded of the Lords’ beauty, character, charm and bravery, the members of the audience began describing these features to one another according to what they had seen and heard.

Naturally, those who assembled in Mathurā for the wrestling festival had heard the latest news of Kṛṣṇa’s and Balarāma’s adventures in the city — how the Lords had broken the sacrificial bow, defeated the police and killed the elephant Kuvalayāpīḍa. And now that the people were seeing Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma enter the arena, their greatest expectations were confirmed. Kṛṣṇa is the embodiment of all beauty, fame and opulence, and therefore those assembled in the wrestling arena became fully satisfied by glorifying what they had heard of Him and were now seeing.

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