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Text 43

dṛṣṭaṁ śrutaṁ bhūta-bhavad-bhaviṣyat
sthāsnuś cariṣṇur mahad alpakaṁ ca
vinācyutād vastu tarāṁ na vācyaṁ
sa eva sarvaṁ paramātma-bhūtaḥ

dṛṣṭam — seen; śrutam — heard; bhūta — past; bhavat — present; bhaviṣyat — future; sthāsnuḥ — stationary; cariṣṇuḥ — mobile; mahat — large; alpakam — small; ca — and; vinā — apart from; acyutāt — the infallible Lord Kṛṣṇa; vastu — thing; tarām — at all; na — is not; varyam — capable of being named; saḥ — He; eva — alone; sarvam — everything; parama-ātma — as the Supersoul; bhūtaḥ — manifesting.

Nothing can be said to exist independent of Lord Acyuta — nothing heard or seen, nothing in the past, present or future, nothing moving or unmoving, great or small. He indeed is everything, for He is the Supreme Soul.

Śrī Uddhava is relieving the distress of Nanda and Yaśodā by bringing them to a more philosophical plane. He is explaining that since Lord Kṛṣṇa is everything and is within everything, His pure devotees are always with Him.

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