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Text 16

taṁ vai vidarbhādhipatiḥ
samabhyetyābhipūjya ca
niveśayām āsa mudā

tam — him, King Damaghoṣa; vai — indeed; vidarbha-adhipatiḥ — the master of Vidarbha, Bhīṣmaka; samabhyetya — going forward to meet; abhipūjya — honoring; ca — and; niveśayām āsa — settled him; mudā — with pleasure; kalpita — constructed; anya — special; niveśane — at a place of residence.

Bhīṣmaka, the lord of Vidarbha, came out of the city and met King Damaghoṣa, offering him tokens of respect. Bhīṣmaka then settled Damaghoṣa in a residence especially constructed for the occasion.

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