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Text 7

rājā sa kuṇḍina-patiḥ
śiśupālāya svāṁ kanyāṁ
dāsyan karmāṇy akārayat

rājā — the king; saḥ — he, Bhīṣmaka; kuṇḍina-patiḥ — master of Kuṇḍina; putra — for his son; sneha — of affection; vaśa — the control; anugaḥ — obeying; śiśupālāya — to Śiśupāla; svām — his; kanyām — daughter; dāsyan — being about to give; karmāṇi — the required duties; akārayat — he had done.

King Bhīṣmaka, the master of Kuṇḍina, having succumbed to the sway of affection for his son, was about to give his daughter to Śiśupāla. The King saw to all the required preparations.

Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī points out in this connection that King Bhīṣmaka had no particular liking for Śiśupāla but rather acted out of attachment for his son Rukmī.

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