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Text 38

maivāsmān sādhvy asūyethā
bhrātur vairūpya-cintayā
sukha-duḥkha-do na cānyo ’sti
yataḥ sva-kṛta-bhuk pumān

— please do not; eva — indeed; asmān — toward Us; sādhvi — O saintly lady; asūyethāḥ — feel inimical; bhrātuḥ — of your brother; vairūpya — over the disfigurement; cintayā — out of concern; sukha — of happiness; duḥkha — and unhappiness; daḥ — bestower; na — not; ca — and; anyaḥ — anyone else; asti — there is; yataḥ — since; sva — of his own; kṛta — action; bhuk — the sufferer of the reaction; pumān — a man.

Saintly lady, please do not be displeased with Us out of anxiety for your brother’s disfigurement. No one but oneself is responsible for one’s joy and grief, for a man experiences the result of his own deeds.

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