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Text 34

iti vṛddha-vacaḥ śrutvā
naitāvad iha kāraṇam
iti matvā samānāyya
prāhākrūraṁ janārdanaḥ

iti — thus; vṛddha — of the elders; vacaḥ — the words; śrutvā — having heard; na — not; etāvat — only this; iha — of the matter at hand; kāraṇam — the cause; iti — thus; matvā — thinking; samānāyya — having him brought back; prāha — said; akrūram — to Akrūra; janārdanaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa.

Hearing these words from the elders, Lord Janārdana, though aware that the absence of Akrūra was not the only cause of the evil omens, had him summoned back to Dvārakā and spoke to him.

Since Lord Kṛṣṇa is the supreme controller, it was obviously by His will that certain troubles appeared in the city of Dvārakā. Superficially these evils may have been caused by Akrūra’s absence, and also by the absence of the auspicious Syamantaka jewel. But we should recall that Dvārakā is the eternal abode of Lord Kṛṣṇa; it is a city of divine bliss because the Lord resides there. Still, to execute His pastimes as a prince of this world, Lord Kṛṣṇa did the needful and summoned Akrūra.

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