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Text 48

rāja-patnyaś ca duhituḥ
kṛṣṇaṁ labdhvā priyaṁ patim
lebhire paramānandaṁ
jātaś ca paramotsavaḥ

rāja — of the King; patnyaḥ — the wives; ca — and; duhituḥ — of his daughter; kṛṣṇam — Kṛṣṇa; labdhvā — obtaining; priyam — dear; patim — husband; lebhire — they experienced; parama — the greatest; ānandam — ecstasy; jātaḥ — there arose; ca — and; parama — the greatest; utsavaḥ — festivity.

The King’s wives felt the greatest ecstasy upon attaining Lord Kṛṣṇa as the dear husband of the royal princess, and a mood of great festivity arose.

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