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Text 27

namo bhagavate tubhyaṁ
vāsudevāya viṣṇave
pūrṇa-bodhāya te namaḥ

namaḥ — obeisances; bhagavate — to the Supreme Godhead; tubhyam — unto You; vāsudevāya — Lord Vāsudeva, the shelter of all created beings; viṣṇave — all-pervading Lord Viṣṇu; puruṣāya — the primeval person; ādi — original; bījāya — the seed; pūrṇa — full; bodhāya — knowledge; te — to You; namaḥ — obeisances.

Obeisances unto You, the Supreme Lord Vāsudeva, Viṣṇu, the primeval person, the original seed. Obeisances unto You, the omniscient one.

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