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pariṣvaktaś cirotkaṇṭhair
gopair gopībhir eva ca
rāmo ’bhivādya pitarāv
āśīrbhir abhinanditaḥ

pariṣvaktaḥ — embraced; cira — for a long time; utkaṇṭhaiḥ — who had been in anxiety; gopaiḥ — by the cowherd men; gopībhiḥ — by the cowherd women; eva — indeed; ca — also; rāmaḥ — Lord Balarāma; abhivādya — offering respects; pitarau — to His parents (Nanda and Yaśodā); āśīrbhiḥ — with prayers; abhinanditaḥ — joyfully greeted.

Having long suffered the anxiety of separation, the cowherd men and their wives embraced Lord Balarāma. The Lord then offered respects to His parents, and they joyfully greeted Him with prayers.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī gives the following verse regarding this situation:

nityānanda-svarūpo ’pi
prema-tapto vrajaukasām
yayau kṛṣṇam api tyaktvā
yas taṁ rāmaṁ muhuḥ stumaḥ

“Let us repeatedly glorify Lord Balarāma. Although He is the original personality of eternal bliss, Nityānanda, He felt pained by His love for the residents of Vraja, and thus He went to see them, even at the cost of leaving Lord Kṛṣṇa.”

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