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Text 34

yajantaṁ sakalān devān
kvāpi kratubhir ūrjitaiḥ
pūrtayantaṁ kvacid dharmaṁ

yajantam — worshiping; sakalān — all; devān — the demigods; kva api — somewhere; kratubhiḥ — with sacrifices; ūrjitaiḥ — full-blown; pūrtayantam — fulfilling by civil service; kvacit — somewhere; dharmam — religious obligation; kūrpa — with wells; ārāma — public parks; maṭha — monasteries; ādibhiḥ — and so on.

Somewhere He was worshiping all the demigods with elaborate sacrifices, and elsewhere He was fulfilling His religious obligations by doing public welfare work, such as the construction of wells, public parks and monasteries.

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