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Text 47

ṛtvigbhyaḥ sa-sadasyebhyo
dakṣināṁ vipulām adāt
sarvān sampūjya vidhi-vac
cakre ’vabhṛtham eka-rāṭ

ṛtvigbhyaḥ — to the priests; sa-sadasyebhyaḥ — along with the members of the assembly; dakṣiṇām — gifts in gratitude; vipulām — abundant; adāt — he gave; sarvān — all of them; sampūjya — properly worshiping; vidhi-vat — according to scriptural injunctions; cakre — executed; avabhṛtham — the purificatory bathing of the sponsor of the sacrifice and the washing of the sacrificial utensils that mark the end of a major sacrifice; eka-rāṭ — the emperor, Yudhiṣṭhira.

Emperor Yudhiṣṭhira gave generous gifts to the sacrificial priests and the members of the assembly, properly honoring them all in the manner prescribed by the Vedas. He then took the avabhṛtha bath.

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