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Text 33
vasudevaḥ pariṣvajya
samprītaḥ prema-vihvalaḥ
smaran kaṁsa-kṛtān kleśān
putra-nyāsaṁ ca gokule
vasudevaḥ — Vasudeva; pariṣvajya — embracing (Nanda Mahārāja); samprītaḥ — overjoyed; prema — due to love; vihvalaḥ — beside himself; smaran — remembering; kaṁsa-kṛtān — created by Kaṁsa; kleśān — the troubles; putra — of his sons; nyāsam — the leaving; ca — and; gokule — in Gokula.
Vasudeva embraced Nanda Mahārāja with great joy. Beside himself with ecstatic love, Vasudeva remembered the troubles Kaṁsa had caused him, forcing him to leave his sons in Gokula for Their safety.