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Text 53
brāhmaṇo janmanā śreyān
sarveṣām prāṇinām iha
tapasā vidyayā tuṣṭyā
kim u mat-kalayā yutaḥ
brāhmaṇaḥ — a brāhmaṇa; janmanā — by his birth; śreyān — the best; sarveṣām — of all; prāṇinām — living beings; iha — in this world; tapasā — by his austerity; vidyayā — by his learning; tuṣṭyā — by his satisfaction; kim u — what more, then; mat — upon Me; kalayā — with loving meditation; yutaḥ — endowed.
By his very birth, a brāhmaṇa is the best of all living beings in this world, and he becomes even more exalted when he is endowed with austerity, learning and self-satisfaction, what to speak of devotion to Me.