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Text 65
kapotī svātmajān vīkṣya
bālakān jāla-saṁvṛtān
tān abhyadhāvat krośantī
krośato bhṛśa-duḥkhitā
kapotī — the female pigeon; sva-ātma-jān — her own offspring; vīkṣya — seeing; bālakān — the children; jāla — by the nest; saṁvṛtān — surrounded; tān — toward them; abhyadhāvat — she ran; krośantī — calling out; krośataḥ — toward them who were also crying; bhṛśa — extremely; duḥkhitā — distressed.
When the lady pigeon caught sight of her own children trapped within the hunter’s net, she was overwhelmed with anguish, and crying out, she rushed toward them as they cried out to her in return.