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Text 66
yājñavalkyas tato brahmaṁś
chandāṁsy adhi gaveṣayan
guror avidyamānāni
sūpatasthe ’rkam īśvaram
yājñavalkyaḥ — Yājñavalkya; tataḥ — thereafter; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; chandāṁsi — mantras; adhi — additional; gaveṣayan — seeking out; guroḥ — to his spiritual master; avidyamānāni — not known; su-upatasthe — he carefully worshiped; arkam — the sun; īśvaram — the powerful controller.
My dear brāhmaṇa Śaunaka, Yājñavalkya then desired to find out new yajur-mantras unknown to even his spiritual master. With this in mind he offered attentive worship to the powerful lord of the sun.