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Text 24

vasiṣṭha-tanayāḥ sapta
ṛṣayaḥ pramadādayaḥ
satyā vedaśrutā bhadrā
devā indras tu satyajit

vasiṣṭha-tanayāḥ — the sons of Vasiṣṭha; sapta — seven; ṛṣayaḥ — the sages; pramada-ādayaḥ — headed by Pramada; satyāḥ — the Satyas; vedaśrutāḥ — Vedaśrutas; bhadrāḥ — Bhadras; devāḥ — demigods; indraḥ — the King of heaven; tu — but; satyajit — Satyajit.

During the reign of the third Manu, Pramada and other sons of Vasiṣṭha became the seven sages. The Satyas, Vedaśrutas and Bhadras became demigods, and Satyajit was selected to be Indra, the King of heaven.

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