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sunandāyāṁ varṣa-śataṁ
padaikena bhuvaṁ spṛśan
tapyamānas tapo ghoram
idam anvāha bhārata

sunandāyām — on the bank of the river Sunandā; varṣa-śatam — for one hundred years; pada-ekena — on one leg; bhuvam — the earth; spṛśan — touching; tapyamānaḥ — he performed austerities; tapaḥ — austerities; ghoram — very severe; idam — the following; anvāha — and spoke; bhārata — O scion of Bharata.

O scion of Bharata, after Svāyambhuva Manu had thus entered the forest with his wife, he stood on one leg on the bank of the river Sunandā, and in this way, with only one leg touching the earth, he performed great austerities for one hundred years. While performing these austerities, he spoke as follows.

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura comments that the word anvāha means that he chanted or murmured to himself, not that he lectured to anyone.

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