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Text 26

naivaṁ vīryo jalacaro
dṛṣṭo ’smābhiḥ śruto ’pi vā
yo bhavān yojana-śatam
ahnābhivyānaśe saraḥ

na — not; evam — thus; vīryaḥ — powerful; jala-caraḥ — aquatic; dṛṣṭaḥ — seen; asmābhiḥ — by us; śrutaḥ api — nor heard of; — either; yaḥ — who; bhavān — Your Lordship; yojana-śatam — hundreds of miles; ahnā — in one day; abhivyānaśe — expanding; saraḥ — water.

My Lord, in one day You have expanded Yourself for hundreds of miles, covering the water of the river and the ocean. Before this I had never seen or heard of such an aquatic animal.

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