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Text 27
evaṁ bhṛguṣu viśvātmā
bhagavān harir īśvaraḥ
avatīrya paraṁ bhāraṁ
bhuvo ’han bahuśo nṛpān
evam — in this way; bhṛguṣu — in the dynasty of Bhṛgu; viśva-ātmā — the soul of the universe, the Supersoul; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; hariḥ — the Lord; īśvaraḥ — the supreme controller; avatīrya — appearing as an incarnation; param — great; bhāram — the burden; bhuvaḥ — of the world; ahan — killed; bahuśaḥ — many times; nṛpān — kings.
In this way the supreme soul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord and the supreme controller, descended as an incarnation in the Bhṛgu dynasty and released the universe from the burden of undesirable kings by killing them many times.