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Text 10
papraccha kāma-santaptaḥ
prahasañ ślakṣṇayā girā
tat-darśana-pramuditaḥ — being very much enlivened by seeing the beautiful woman; sannivṛtta-pariśramaḥ — being relieved of the fatigue of the hunting excursion; papraccha — he inquired from her; kāma-santaptaḥ — being agitated by lusty desires; prahasan — in a joking mood; ślakṣṇayā — very beautiful and pleasing; girā — with words.
Seeing the beautiful woman, the King was very much enlivened, and the fatigue of his hunting excursion was relieved. He was of course very much attracted because of lusty desires, and thus he inquired from her as follows, in a joking mood.