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Text 194
kintu kṛṣṇera sukha haya gopī-rūpa-guṇe
tāṅra sukhe sukha-vṛddhi haye gopī-gaṇe
kintu — but; kṛṣṇera — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; sukha — the happiness; haya — is; gopī-rūpa-guṇe — in the qualities and beauty of the gopīs; tāṅra — of Him; sukhe — in the happiness; sukha-vṛddhi — increase of happiness; haye — there is; gopī-gaṇe — in the gopīs.
Kṛṣṇa, however, derives pleasure from the beauty and good qualities of the gopīs. And when the gopīs see His pleasure, the joy of the gopīs increases.