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Text 96
icchā-mātre kailā nija-prāṇa niṣkrāmaṇa
pūrve yena śuniyāchi bhīṣmera maraṇa
icchā-mātre — just by desire; kailā — performed; nija-prāṇa — of his life; niṣkrāmaṇa — going away; pūrve — formerly; yena — as; śuniyāchi — we have heard; bhīṣmera maraṇa — the death of Bhīṣmadeva.
“Simply by his will, Haridāsa Ṭhākura could give up his life and go away, exactly like Bhīṣma, who previously died simply by his own desire, as we have heard from śāstra.