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Text 71
satya-vākyaḥ priyaṁ-vadaḥ
vāvadūkaḥ su-pāṇḍityo
buddhimān pratibhānvitaḥ
vividha — various; adbhuta — wonderful; bhāṣā-vit — knower of languages; satya-vākyaḥ — whose words are truthful; priyam-vadaḥ — who speaks very pleasingly; vāvadūkaḥ — expert in speaking; supāṇḍityaḥ — very learned; buddhi-mān — very wise; pratibhāanvitaḥ — genius.
“ ‘Kṛṣṇa is the linguist of all wonderful languages. He is a truthful and very pleasing speaker. He is expert in speaking, and He is a very wise, learned scholar and a genius.