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Text 52

srotobhiḥ saptabhir yā vai
svardhunī saptadhā vyadhāt
saptānāṁ prītaye nānā
sapta-srotaḥ pracakṣate

srotobhiḥ — by currents; saptabhiḥ — by seven (divisions); — the river; vai — certainly; svardhunī — the sacred Ganges; saptadhā — seven branches; vyadhāt — created; saptānām — of the seven; prītaye — for the satisfaction of; nānā — various; sapta-srotaḥ — seven sources; pracakṣate — known by name.

The place is called Saptasrota [“divided by seven”] because there the waters of the sacred Ganges were divided into seven branches. This was done for the satisfaction of the seven great ṛṣis.

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