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Text 22

iti cintayatas tasya
dṛṣṭāriṣṭena cetasā
rājñaḥ pratyāgamad brahman
yadu-puryāḥ kapi-dhvajaḥ

iti — thus; cintayataḥ — while thinking to himself; tasya — he; dṛṣṭā — by observing; ariṣṭena — bad omens; cetasā — by the mind; rājñaḥ — the King; prati — back; āgamat — came; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; yadu-puryāḥ — from the kingdom of the Yadus; kapi-dhvajaḥ — Arjuna.

O Brāhmaṇa Śaunaka, while Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, observing the inauspicious signs on the earth at that time, was thus thinking to himself, Arjuna came back from the city of the Yadus [Dvārakā].

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