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Text 17

yasya kukṣāv idaṁ sarvaṁ
sātmaṁ bhāti yathā tathā
tat tvayy apīha tat sarvaṁ
kim idaṁ māyayā vinā

yasya — of whom; kukṣau — within the abdomen; idam — this cosmic manifestation; sarvam — all; sa-ātmam — including Yourself; bhāti — is manifested; yathā — as; tathā — so; tat — that; tvayi — within You; api — although; iha — here externally; tat — that cosmic manifestation; sarvam — whole; kim — what; idam — this; māyayā — the influence of Your inconceivable energy; vinā — without.

Just as this entire universe, including You, was exhibited within Your abdomen, so it is now manifested here externally in the same exact form. How could such things happen unless arranged by Your inconceivable energy?

Śrīla Prabhupāda comments on this verse as follows in Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead: “Lord Brahmā stressed herein that without accepting the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot explain things as they are.”

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