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Text 46

tato hasan hṛṣīkeśo
’bhyavahṛtya sahārbhakaiḥ
darśayaṁś carmājagaraṁ
nyavartata vanād vrajam

tataḥ — then; hasan — smiling; hṛṣīkeśaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa, the master of everyone’s senses; abhyavahṛtya — taking lunch; saha — along with; arbhakaiḥ — the cowherd boys; darśayan — showing; carma — the skin; ājagaram — of the python Aghāsura; nyavartata — He returned; vanāt — from the forest; vrajam — to the village of Vraja.

Then Lord Hṛṣīkeśa, smiling, finished His lunch in the company of His cowherd friends. While they were returning from the forest to their homes in Vraja, Lord Kṛṣṇa showed the cowherd boys the skin of the dead serpent Aghāsura.

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